Goddess International
(719) 244-4-3165 - Elisha Soleil Gabriell - 120 Winters Drive, Lot 17 -
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Profile: Angelic Light-Sessions offer specific Angelic Light Rays
that help you to clear, activate and rejuvenate dense energies that
keep you from living your own brightest light and highest life
purpose. Prosperity? Ascension? Relationships?
Career? You called... Love answered!
Medical Intuitive
Be Joy! (503) 805-7403 -
Francesca Fleming - USA*
Profile: Appointments available by phone or zoom. Have you
wanted to work with a medical medium? Francesca’s clients say she
is a mix of Edgar Cayce, C. Myss and A. Williams - she is a medical
intuitive medium and energy healer. Her grandmothers declared she
is ‘born gifted’ at birth. Through her gifts and connection to
Divine, she receives unique and specific information for you, your body
healing and your
spiritual awareness.
Intuitive Healer
Mountain Spirit
Healing (970) 560-7858 - Diana - Dolores, Colorado 81323 email
Profile: Dolores/Durango & beyond... Diana is an
Intuitive/medium & Healer/Priestess. Does deep detailed
Dimensional Readings, Quantum Sphere Healing, Energy Center clearings,
Sound Healings,
Shamanic Tracking, Death Rites & help with Journeys. These readings
& healings can touch on: Past Lives,
Karma, Soul issues, Relationships, Blocked Energy, Attachments &
Off Planet Connections. Can get in touch with those across the
veil & with your spirit guides. My House Healings are all
inclusive. In-person or remote.
Consult Galaya
(505) 466-3764 - USA*
Profile: Galaya is an intuitive consultant, psychic reader,
animal commuicator and coach with over 22 years experience. Her goal is
to empower and facilitate her clients in resolving health,
relationship, career and business issues with clarity, insight and
inspiration. Galaya is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. She
harnesses these gifts by translating spiritual
information into practical solutions. |
- Coming Soon
Shadow Anomaly Detectives (720) 378-2807 - Solaris BlueRaven - P.O.
Box 1801 - Nederland, Colorado 80466
Profile: Ms. Solaris BluerRaven is a Published Author, Public
Speaker, Timeline Astrologer, MT Healer, Remote Viewer, Clairvoyant and
an assessment specialist in psychotronic warfare, synthetic telepathy
and covert technology. She has a professional healing background in
master healing. She is also a published author and public speaker.
Soul Pathway Readings
(720) 385-4948 - Matt Derickson - 1877 Broadway, #100 - Boulder, CO
80302* email
Profile: Matt is an intuitive guide who helps people uncover
their deep desires, fears and talents, to manifest more of the success,
happiness and love they are searching for. He specializes in
helping people see the larger destiny beneath the surface story of
their current life.
Conscious Match USA
Profile: Always free to join and browse. Want to meet your
Soul Mate? Connect worldwide and select all the parameters that
are important to you. 10,000s of successful matches!
Metaphysical Store
Earth Star
1-800-801-9207 or (970) 472-0224 or (970) 599-2540 - 632 South Mason
Street - Fort Collins, CO 80524*
18-19, 2025 - Coming Soon
Body Mind Spirit Celebration
(541) 482-3722 - Adams County Fairgrounds - Exhibit Hall - 4430 South
Adams County Parkway - Brighton, CO 80601 (North Denver)* email
Profile: Rediscover the Magic in the World and Yourself. Emerge into
your brilliant future with the holistic community! Explore our
incredible selection of the nation's finest psychics and mediums, the
best in alternative health, wellness tools, products and resources.
Then, expand your insights and take in learning sessions and
presentations featuring psychics, experts and holistic practitioners at
the top of their
fields! You’ll have a blast and find just what you need so bring
a friend & enjoy a fun, insight-filled weekend with us!
February 13-26, 2025
Tucson Gem & Mineral Show ®
(520) 322-5773 - Patricia McClain - Tucson Convention Center - 260 S
- Tucson, Arizona*
March 7-9, 2025 - Coming Soon
Body Mind Spirit Celebration
(541) 482-3722 - Colorado Springs Event Center -
Colorado Springs, Colorado* email
Profile: Rediscover the Magic in the World and Yourself. Emerge
into your brilliant future with the holistic community! Explore our
incredible selection of the nation's finest psychics and mediums, the
best in alternative health, wellness tools, products and resources.
Then, expand your insights and take in learning sessions and
presentations featuring
psychics, experts and holistic practitioners at the top of their
fields! You’ll have a blast and find just what you need so bring
a friend & enjoy a fun, insight-filled weekend with us! March
and October.
March 11-13, 2025
International Spa
Expo (859) 226-4326 or 1-888-651 ISPA (4772)
March 11-13, 2025 - The Broadmoor - Colorado Springs,
March 30 - April 1, 2026 - The Venetian, Las Vegas, NV
March 2-5, 3027 - Mandalay Bay - Las Vegas, NV
March 15-16, 2025
Holistic Fair (970)
472-472-0200 - Carol Ostrom* email
March 15-16, 2025 - Larimer County Fairgrounds - The Ranch - South
Hall - Loveland, CO (March/Spring and September/Fall)
May 31 - June 1, 2025 - Adams County Fairgrounds - Exhibit Hall -
Park Complex - Henderson Road - Brighton, CO
September 20-21, 2024 - Larimer County Fairgrounds - The Ranch - South
Hall - Loveland, CO (March/Spring and September/Fall)
April 5-6, 2025
Trade Show (970) 462-5290 - Kathie Fingerson - Convention Center -
159 Main Street - Grand Junction, CO 81501* email
Profile: Free speakers and 100 booths. Join us as a vendor for the
best marketing tool you can find for lead generation, product
showcasing and brand awareness. Please call for details. |
April 10-12, 2025
Hemp Conference -
Estes Park, CO
April 12-13, 2025
Spirit of Wyoming Expo
(307) 871-8424 - Tammy McArthur* email
April 12-23, 2025 - Cam-Plex - Middle Hall - 1635 Reata Drive,
Eqity Hall - Gillette, WY (April and September)
August 2025 - 2950 King Avenue West, Suite 2- Billings, MT
October 2025 - Sweetwater Events Complex - 3320 Yellowstone
Road - Rock Springs, WY 82901
April 2025
Holistic Fair (719) 251-0266 - Linda Weiner - Convention Center -
320 Central Main Street - Pueblo, CO*
Profile: Twice per year, April and November. email
May 3-4, 2025 - Coming Soon
Body Mind Spirit
Celebration (541) 482-3722 - The Ranch - North Hall - Loveland, CO*
Profile: Rediscover the Magic in the World and Yourself. Emerge into
your brilliant future with the holistic community! Explore our
incredible selection of the nation's finest psychics and mediums, the
best in alternative health, wellness tools, products and resources.
Then, expand your insights and take in learning sessions and
presentations featuring psychics, experts and holistic practitioners at
the top of their
fields! You’ll have a blast and find just what you need so bring
a friend & enjoy a fun, insight-filled weekend with us! April
May 30 - June 1, 2025
Light Language
Conference - Patricia Walls and Brian Mears - Arvada Center for the
Arts - 6901 Wadsworth Boulevard - Arvada, CO 80003 email
Profile: Join us as we bring together experts, practitioners, and
enthusiasts from around the world to share knowledge, techniques, and
experiences related to this ancient form of communication.
Discover the transformative effects of light language and learn how it
can enhance your spiritual journey.
May 2025
Sciences in Modern Times, NAMA Conference - Tracy - Grand Hyatt
Hotel - Vail, CO* email
August 1-3, 2025
Red Earth
Herbal Gathering (720) 526-2388 - Shari / Leela Whitcomb - 13 Moons
Ranch - Carbondale, CO* email
August 22-24, 2025
Overland Expo
May 16-18, 2025 - Overland Expo West - Ft. Tuthill County Park -
Flagsaff, Arizona
June 17-19, 2025 - Overland Pacific Northwest - Deshutes County Expo
Center - Bend (Redmond), OR
August 22-24, 2025 - Overland Expo Mountain West - The Ranch -
Loveland, CO
October 3-5, 2025 - Overland Expo East - Oakridge Estates - Blue Ridge
Mountains - Arilngton, Virginia
August 2025
Gem and
Mineral Show (208) 818-2363 - Melanie Capps - Findlay Toyota Center
- 3201 North Main Street - Prescott, AZ
September 2025
(970) 903-2342 - Sharon Hermes - La Plata County Fair Grounds -
Main Exhibit Hall - 2500 Main Avenue - Durango, Colorado (southwest
Colorado) email
Profile: The Four Corners Showcase of Holistic & Ecological
Products, Services & Seminars. $5 for both days! 75 Exhibits. 25
October 2025
Self-Reliance and Prepper Shows - Forrest Garvin email
Self-Reliance Fair & Expo - Castle Rock Colorado Prepper Show -
Douglas County Fairgrounds - 500 Fairgrounds Road - Castle Rock,
Colorado 80104
October 2025
Braska Metaphysical Fair (308) 672-1114 - Lisa Betz-Marquez -
Gering Civic Center - 1050 M. Street - Gering, Nebraska* email
October 2025
Seance (720) 432-4335 - Charles Cox - Goddess Isis Books - 2775 S.
Broadway - Englewood, CO 80113 email
Profile: Many people believe that on Halloween the veil between
our world and the other side is at its thinnest. This Halloween Rev
Charles Cox will be leading the séance. This is not a party. This
is open to anyone genuinely seeking a traditional Spiritualist
experience. 15 years ! |
January 2025
Gem & Jewelry Show (213) 629-3030 or 1-877-GEM-SHOW - Vitaliy
Mayzenberg* email
January 2025 - Expo Center - Irvington Road - Tucson,
Arizona (Jan and August)
May 2025 - The Expo at World Market Center - 435 S Grand
Central Parkway - Las Vegas, NV
October 2025 - Convention Center - San Diego, CA
Submit Your Event
Courtesy Listings
Alamosa, CO
Spiritual Healing
Circle of the
Sacred Earth / Sacred Earth Ministry (719) 937-9652 - Sunemaura
O'Brien - Alamosa, CO*
Aspen, CO northwest
Bailey, CO northwest
Consult Galaya (505) 466-3764
- USA*
Profile: Galaya is an intuitive consultant, psychic reader, animal
commuicator and coach with over 22 years experience. Her goal is to
empower and facilitate her clients in resolving health, relationship,
career and business issues with clarity, insight and inspiration.
Galaya is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient. She harnesses
these gifts by translating spiritual information into practical
solutions. |
Bayfield, CO
Beaver Creek, CO
Day Spa
Exale Spa
(970) 748-7500 - Hyatt Regency - Beaver Creek, CO
(alexander technique, pilates, stretch, yoga, color therapy, health
cooking, clairvoyant, art, massage, scrubs, facials )
Day Spa
Spa at the Charter (970)
845-2225 - 120 Offerson Road - Beaver Creek, Colorado 81620
Day Spa
Spa Struck (970)
476-BACK (2225) - Mariott - Vail, CO (chiropractor, massage,
reflexology, aromatherapy, facials, hydrotherapy, wraps)
Breckenridge, CO northwest
Ambika Apothecary (970) 368-3270 - Gina Ragusa - 233 S. Ridge Street,
C-1 - Breckenridge, CO 80424*
Cannon City, CO south central
Phyllis Hoover (719) 429-2982 - 74 Wild Rose Drive - Canon City, CO
Colorado Yoga Dipiki
(719) 269-1887 - The Abbey - Elaine Schuhrke - 2951 E. Highway 50 -
Canon City, CO 81212*
Carbondale, CO northwest
Quantum Energy
Fran Picco (860) 974-2266 - Carbondale, Colorado*
Castle Pines, CO
Kraig & Associates (303) 895-9545 - Kraig Smiegowski - 7501 Village
Square Drive, Suite 202 - Castle Pines, CO 80108*
Castle Rock, CO between Denver and
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO south of
Laughing Goddess
(719) 244-4-3165 - Elisha Soleil Gabriell - 120 Winters Drive, Lot 17 -
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Profile: Angelic Light-Sessions offer specific Angelic Light Rays
that help you to clear, activate and rejuvenate dense energies that
keep you from living your own brightest light and highest life
purpose. Prosperity? Ascension? Relationships?
Career? You called... Love answered!
Animal Communication
A Voice For Pets
(719) 687-6823 - Barbara Royal - Colorado Springs, CO*
Maharishi Ayurveda Products (719)
260-5500 - 1068 Elkton Drive - Colorado Springs, CO 80907*
Blood Work
Any Lab Test Now (719)
277-8378 - Jon Mullins - 7824B N. Academy Boulevard - Colorado Springs,
CO 80920* (215 locations)
Catamount Institute
Outdoor Learning - Sharon Owen - Colorado Springs, Colorado*
Balance Chiropractic (719)
265-0115 - Max Pohl - 808 Village Center Drive - Colorado Springs, CO
Bee Extraordinary (719) 648-5920 - Kelly Wood - 518 W Platte Avenue -
Colorado Springs, CO 80905*
David Byers (719) 447-0711 - 111 W. Filmore - Colorado Springs, CO
Cramer Chiropractic (719)
433-0750 - Scott Cramer - 3803 Palmer Park Boulevard, Suite B -
Colorado Springs, CO*
Healing Touch Chiropractic and Massage Therapy (719) 332-8888 or (719)
578-0504 - Abbie Dring - 1422 N. Hancock - Colorado Springs, CO 80903*
Satori Spinal Wisdom (719)
785-1175 or (719) 963-6333 - Audrey Slow - 7075 Campus Drive, #210 -
Colorado Springs, CO 80920*
Counseling, Holistic
Ruth Meinking (719) 231-2842 - 801 N. Weber Street, #301 - Colorado
Springs, CO 80903*
Counseling, Holistic
Max Stager
(719) 460-4185 - 2993 Broadmoor Valley Road, Suite 100 - Colorado
Springs, CO 80906*
Counseling, Holistic
Amy Twiss (719) 648-9355 - 6190 Lehman Drive, Suite 103 - Colorado
Springs, CO 80918*
Day Spa
Mateos Day Spa (719)
266-9295 - 5919 Delmonico Drive - Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Day Spa
The Spa at
the Broadmoor Hotel (719) 577-5770 - 1 Lake Avenue - Colorado
Springs, CO 80906*
Day Spa
Serenity Springs
(719) 210-4492 - 3277 West Carefree Circle - Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Healing Touch
Heart Centered Healing (719) 229-1318 - Kay DuBois - 1036 Rice Drive -
Colorado Springs, CO 80906*
Health Food
Mountain Mama
(719) 633-4139 - 1625 W. Uintah, Suite A - Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Health Food
(719) 577-2500 - 7298 North Academy Boulevard - Colorado Springs, CO
(719) 634-9200 - 1604 South Nevada Avenue -Colorado Springs, CO80906
Health Food
Sammy's Organics Natural Foods
(719) 471-3348 - Robert Magruder - 1608 South 8th Street - Colorado
Springs, CO
(719) 630-1793 - 1837 N. Circle Drive and Constitution - Colorado
Springs, CO (north)
Health Food
Whole Foods
(719) 548-1667 - 5075 N. Academy Boulevard - Colorado Springs, CO
Sage Apothecary &
Consulting (719) 473-9702 - Janeé Jones - 2727 N. Tejon Street -
Colorado Springs,
CO 80907*
River Hamsand (719) 488-3333 - The Sagestone Center for the
Healing Arts - 716 North Tejon Street - Colorado Springs, CO 80903*
Becky Ahlgren (719) 573-4319 - P.O. Box 75093 - Colorado Springs, CO
Advanced Neuromuscular Therapies
(719) 229-9235 - 419 W. Bijou Street - Colorado Springs, CO*
Emerald Mountain (719) 205-5114 - Debra Walker - 635 Southpointe
Court, Suite 215 - Colorado Springs, CO 80906*
Inspirit Therapies Body, Mind
& Spirit (719) 475-0501 - Cydney Boubon - 1126 E. Monument
Street - Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (NE of downtown)*
Natural Therapeutics Massage
& Wellness (719) 201-9153 - Zebrina Piper - 4751 N Academy
Boulevard, Suite B - Colorado Springs, CO*
Sanctuary Massage Therapy (719) 651-7876 - Cheryl Strickland - 2605A W.
Colorado Avenue, #215 - Colorado Springs, CO 80904*
ZenWorks Massage (719)
301-6179 - Stephanie Inman - 7710 N Union Boulevard, Suite 100F -
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80920*
Medical Intuitive
Be Joy!
(503) 805-7403 - Francesca Fleming - USA*
Profile: Appointments available by phone or zoom. Have you
wanted to work with a medical medium? Francesca’s clients say she is a
mix of Edgar Cayce, C. Myss and A. Williams - she is a medical
intuitive medium and energy healer. Her grandmothers declared she is
‘born gifted’ at birth. Through her gifts and connection to Divine, she
receives unique and specific information for you, your body healing and
your spiritual awareness.
Dana Preshous (719) 286-0065 -
801 N. Weber Street, Suite 202 - Colorado Springs, CO 80903*
Energy Reader MaryAnna @
Soul Circle (719) 213-5354 - MaryAnna Clemons - Colorado Springs,
Harmonized Brain
Center (719) 661-6422 - Dallas and Shelly Shepard - 2149 N Academy
Boulevard - Colorado Springs, CO 80909*
Katherine Duboue (719) 574-7066 - Balanced Living - 4218 Astrozon
Boulevard - Colorado Springs, CO 80916*
Natural Harmony (719) 232-8675 - Amega Global - Debbie Woodward - 2126
Farnon Court - Colorado Springs, CO 80906 (Broadmoor)*
Athene Enterprises (719)
598-8158 - Athene Raefiel - Colorado Springs, CO 80907*
Psychotherapy, Holistic
Colleen Kibbie-Vest (303) 588-9205 - Vererans Trauma Center - 801 N.
Weber Street, 2nd Floor -
Colorado Springs, CO 80903*
Quantum Touch
Lightgarden Healing Arts
(719) 632-4840 - Sheila Gibson Helme - Colorado Springs, CO*
Spiritual Healing
Soul Unleashed (719) 231-3865 - Dana Souligny - Colorado Springs, CO
Cortez, CO southwest
Crestone, CO
Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts
Academy (888) 276-6278 or (719) 256-4759 or (512) 282-6099 - Shanti
Dechen - Crestone, CO*
Dolores, CO
Intuitive Healer
Mountain Spirit Healing
(970) 560-7858 - Diana - Dolores, Colorado 81323 email
Profile: Dolores/Durango & beyond... Diana is an Intuitive/medium
& Healer/Priestess. Does deep detailed Dimensional Readings,
Quantum Sphere Healing, Energy Center clearings,
Sound Healings, Shamanic Tracking, Death Rites & help with
Journeys. These readings & healings can touch on: Past Lives,
Karma, Soul issues, Relationships, Blocked Energy, Attachments &
Off Planet Connections. Can get in touch with those across the
veil & with your spirit guides. My House Healings are all
inclusive. In-person or remote.
Durango, CO southwest
Health Food
Durango Natrual
Foods Co-Op (970) 247-8129 - 575 E. 8th Avenue - Durango, CO
Animas Valley
Institute (970) 259-0585 - Bill Plotkin - 54 Ute Pass Trail -
Durango, CO 81301
Profile: World wide wilderness programs. Latvia, South
Africa, Redwoods, Joshua Tree, Tucson, Kentucky, Maine and online
offerings. Please contact us before visiting.
Mountain Institue (970)
240-4557 - Amber Davis - Durango, CO*
Eagle, CO northwest
Edwards, CO northwest Vail
Estes Park, CO northwest Lyons
Rosemary The Celtic
Lady (970) 586-3565- 453 E. Wonderview Avenue #174 - Estes Park, CO*
Spiritual Development
Inner Healing (970)
586-2552 - Shawn Dubois - 400A E. Elkhorn Avenue - Estes Park, CO 80517*
Florissant, CO
Fort Collins, CO north central
Bond Chiropractic & Rehabilitation (970) 225-0103 - Greg Bond - 260
E. Horsetooth Road, #104 - Fort Collins, CO 80525*
Day Spa
Full Moon Body Skin Spa
(970) 988-2383 - Camille - 1507 Riverside Avenue, Suite #210 - Fort
Collins, CO 80524*
My Zen Garden (970) 581-6813 - Michiko Shepherd - 1220 W. Elizabeth
Street, Suite C - Fort Collins, CO 80526*
Heruka Buddhist Center*
(970) 798-0090 - 149 W Harvard Street, Suite 102 -Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 482-7613 - 149 W. Harbor - Fort Collins, CO 80525
Metaphysical Store
Star 1-800-801-9207 or (970) 472-0224 or (970) 599-2540 - 632 South
Mason Street - Fort Collins, CO 80524*
Mana Lomi
Carol Hart (808) 652-5691 -
3200 Azalea Drive - Fort Collins, CO 80526*
Spiritual Counseling
Enduring Love Therapy
(970) 818-8346 - Shannon Elisabeth - Fort Collins, CO 80525*
Spiritual Counseling
Ken Stone (970) 792-5283 - 1221
East Prospect Road, C5 - Fort Collins, CO 80525*
Bella Spark Productions (970) 443-0732 - Donna Visocky - 2724 Maroon
Court - Fort Collins, CO 80525*
Frisco, CO northwest
Mountain River (970) 668-1300 -
Lisa Pomerantz, Kimberly Nearpass and Justin Pollack - 507C Main Street
/ PO Box 4236 - Frisco, CO 80443*
Glenwood Springs, CO northwest
Day Spa
Yampah Spa and Vapor Cave (970)
945-0667 - 709 East Sixth Street - Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Profile: Natural underground hot mineral water steam baths. Hot
mineral waters flow through the cave floors at 125 degrees F. creating
our natural geothermal steam baths. Spa Packages offer: Soaks,
Massages, Body Wraps, Facials, Reiki and Sound Healing,
Spiritual Counseling
Kaleidescapes Of Light (970) 618-4984 - Karri Ann - 46101 Highway 6 -
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601*
Grand Junction, CO
Quantum Health (970)
389-7140 - John Karis - 934 21 1/2 Road - Grand Junction, CO*
Jason Tempinski
(970) 671-7443 - Grand Junction, CO*
Grand Lake, CO northwest
Health Food Store
Mountain Market (970)
627-3470 - 499 Grand Avenue - Grand Lake, CO
Hotchkiss, CO
Jamestown, CO north central
Painted Dream (310)
254-5413 - Karla Refoxo - Jamestown, CO*
Loveland, CO Fort
Access Consciousness
Awaken Joy (970) 699-1380 - Teresa Pomerleau - 2005 South Garfield
Avenue - Loveland, CO*
White Lotus Oriental Medicine (970) 744-5357 - Mark and Catrina
Mianecki - 1315 E. 18th Street - Loveland, CO 80538*
Spiritual Healing
The Form (720) 695-4972 -
Oren Yakovee - Loveland, CO*
Lyons, CO north central
Sacred Geometry
Metaforms (303) 823-6366 -
Gregory and Gail Hoag - Lyons, CO*
Manitou Springs, CO Colorado Springs
Montrose, CO
Mountain Institute
(970) 240-4557 - 330 S. 12th Street, Unit C - Montrose, CO 81401*
Monument, CO between Denver and
Colorado Springs
Animal Communication
Sue Hopple (719) 481-3917 - 16890
Mitchell Avenue - Monument, CO 80132*
Universal Spiritual View (719) 488-9571 - Cathy and Bill Rosek - 568
Trailhead Road - Monument, CO 80132*
Shamanic Mountain Healing (719) 238-8236 - Sarah Norwwod - Monument, CO
Nederland, CO
Psychic - Coming Soon

Shadow Anomaly Detectives (720) 378-2807 - Solaris BlueRaven - P.O.
Box 1801 - Nederland, Colorado 80466
Profile: Ms. Solaris BluerRaven is a Published Author, Public
Speaker, Timeline Astrologer, MT Healer, Remote Viewer, Clairvoyant and
an assessment specialist in psychotronic warfare, synthetic telepathy
and covert technology. She has a professional healing background in
master healing. She is also a published author and public speaker.
Olathe, CO west central
Ordway, CO
Darlu Littledeer
- Ordway, CO*
Pagosa Springs, CO southwest
Pueblo, CO south central
Pueblo Holistic Center
(719) 582-1010 - Tracey Walker, Jill Becker, Bernadette Gaun, Connie
Batson - 1307 Fortino Boulevard, Suite A - Pueblo, CO 81008*
Metaphysical Shop
Karmic Konnection (719)
542-9887 - Dawn Thompson - 125 E. Abriendo Avenue - Pueblo, CO 81004*
Red Feather Lakes, CO north
central, Ft. Collins
Retreat Center
Drala Mountain Center
(888) STUPA-21 - 4921 County Road 68C - Red Feather Lakes, CO 80545*
Rollinsville, CO northwest
Salida, CO southwest
Sedalia, CO
Edgar Cayce
Robert Blond
(303) 688-8276 - 1363 S. Highway 67 - Sedalia, CO 80135*
Strasburg, CO
Living Sustainably (920) 296-2097- Ann Scarpita - Strasburg, CO*
Telluride, CO southwest
Vail, CO north west, Beaver Creek , Edwards
, includes Avon
Dryland Fitness / was
Vail Athletic Club, Hotel and Spa (970) 476-7960 - 352 East Meadow
Drive - Vail, CO 81657
(6 locations, Yoga, Pilates, massage, pool)
Unity Health Nutrition (970) 471-0789 - Dawn King - P.O. Box 1207 -
Vail, CO 81658*
Day Spa
Manor Vail Lodge
1-800-950-8245 or (970) 674-7977 - 595 East Vail Valley Drive - Vail,
CO 81657*
Wellington, CO north central,
north of Ft. Collins
Cynthia Burkhart (970) 690-3814 - Pathways Counseling Center - P.O. Box
976 - Wellington, CO 80549 (Front Range)*
Westcliff, CO
Psychic Artist
Live Heaven on Earth (719)
783-9172 - Eloryia RA - P.O. Box 1574 - Westcliffe, CO 81252*
Woodland Park, CO
Pointz Acupuncture (719)
220-0930 - Holly Sparks - 400 W. Midland Ave., Suite 203 - Woodland
Park, CO 80863*